
ASL Group

ASL Group

ASL Group
WEB_Bread and Honey_ASL Group Lanyard

A revised positioning, brand identity and design language across the ASL Group was required due to multiple acquisitions and an expanded offer.

The identity, visual language and messaging was developed to reflect the ability for the business to act as a single ‘joined-up’ supplier across the traditionally separate office-based services of print management, unified comms and tech services.

WEB_Bread and Honey_ASL Group Call Centre
WEB_Bread and Honey_ASL Group Cloud
WEB_Bread and Honey_ASL Group Stationery
WEB_Bread and Honey_ASL Group Consumables
WEB_Bread and Honey_ASL Group Encryption
WEB_Bread and Honey_ASL Group Livery
WEB_Bread and Honey_ASL Group Advertising
WEB_Bread and Honey_ASL Group Mobile
WEB_Bread and Honey_ASL Group MPS
WEB_Bread and Honey_ASL Group Document
WEB_Bread and Honey_ASL Group Delivery

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